I’m not so sure the support of polyamory is bad… Leaving aside the reasons polyamory itself might be good, here are some reasons *supporting* polyamory might be good.
Think about veganism, on the one hand, utilitarians being adamant about veganism will push some people away from the movement and, by extension, helping the poor. On the other hand, some people who entered because of their desire to help the poor might now be persuaded to become vegan. It cuts both ways.
Secondly, for some people it might be good for their mental health. If they get motivation to be more active/prosocial because of their polycule this would undoubtedly be positive.
On top of that, it’s honest. Honestly conveying the implications of your movement might seem detrimental in the short term, but helps retainment, media relations and coordination in the longrun.
I’m personally not in a polycule and am agnostic towards whether one should. I just don’t think it’s a clearcut case.
The take might be colored by my skepticism of polyamory. But in general I think looking "weird" is bad unless you have a good reason to do so. I'm also skeptical of the mental health angle- I think we have good reasons to think that conventional people are happier- see greater happiness of political conservatives and the religious.
I’m not so sure the support of polyamory is bad… Leaving aside the reasons polyamory itself might be good, here are some reasons *supporting* polyamory might be good.
Think about veganism, on the one hand, utilitarians being adamant about veganism will push some people away from the movement and, by extension, helping the poor. On the other hand, some people who entered because of their desire to help the poor might now be persuaded to become vegan. It cuts both ways.
Secondly, for some people it might be good for their mental health. If they get motivation to be more active/prosocial because of their polycule this would undoubtedly be positive.
On top of that, it’s honest. Honestly conveying the implications of your movement might seem detrimental in the short term, but helps retainment, media relations and coordination in the longrun.
I’m personally not in a polycule and am agnostic towards whether one should. I just don’t think it’s a clearcut case.
The take might be colored by my skepticism of polyamory. But in general I think looking "weird" is bad unless you have a good reason to do so. I'm also skeptical of the mental health angle- I think we have good reasons to think that conventional people are happier- see greater happiness of political conservatives and the religious.
Can't take seriously anyone who blathers about Pascal's Rationalization. Might as well go all the way https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/GXzT2Ei3nvyZEdWef/every-moment-of-an-electron-s-existence-is-suffering
Is your objection to the concept of infinity? Or do you assign zero probability to every infinite outcome?